Stunning Homepage Layouts.
Layout Option for Shop Pages.
Layout Option for Product Pages.
Multiple Header Options.

Mobile Optimized Design.

Other Features
Framework Bootstrap 4.
We have used the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first websites.
Color Schemes.
Our default color is blue. But it can be easily changed to some other. As you can see from our demo, we have different layouts in various color schemes. Don't limit your imagination!
This feature is also presented in our Shopify theme. You can align content according to your specific localization. There no any limits for our item.
Revolution Slider.
Feel the power of the most popular web developer tool to create different slides. Tons of options, flexibility, amazing effects - will satisfy your aesthetic requirements.
Many Custom Pages.
About us, 404, contacts, blog, gallery, services, FAQ, coming soon and much more. You will find everything that you need for functional eCommerce web store.
Automatic Height Option.
You will be able to adjust all images of your webstore to the same size automatically.
We don't like to support customers (joke:), that is why we created detailed documentation for everybody to avoid delays in communication and providing help to our customers. We have separated Youtube channel with video tutorials.

Support System.
All requests will be processed manually by our developer or our support staff during 24 hours (Friday - Monday). We will try to reply as fast as we can. Will be in touch.